How to take awesome LEGO photos

Lego minifigures photography by Lucy J Hamilton

I’ve received this video from tookapic, and I think is really awesome as easily explained.

If you follow my Instagram profile, you probably know that I have a lot of fun taking pictures using toys, as Lego, or others figurines. I usually do it outdoor, I like to place my toys in the real world, as they were really living among us. However, sometimes , when it’s too rainy or really really cold, or because I’m too lazy to go out, I install a mini studio on my desk and take some photos trying to set nice scenarios. As Lego are really small, a simple coloured A4 sheet is enough to create my background, is cheap and I can have all the colours I need,  but this video is really more fun! It shows you how to create a great photo studio with a Pizza box and other cheap accessories. So, enjoy and welcome to the toys photography world !


If you love this kind of photography, you can also take a look at Mike Stimpson website, he takes amazing Lego photos and on his Flickr setup account, where he explain how he took them 🙂 be inspired!

Note: If you like toys photography, maybe you’ll also like the personalised mugs  with my photographs!

PS. You can also use the same technique with other toys than Lego minifigures.

Toys artistry photography Lucy J Hamilton